April 28, 2005

Man Claims Abuse By Des Moines Priest


POSTED: 6:17 pm CDT April 27, 2005
UPDATED: 6:43 pm CDT April 27, 2005

DES MOINES, Iowa -- A Des Moines man has filed a lawsuit against a priest in the Des Moines Catholic Diocese. John Chambers claims he was abused nearly 40 years ago while he was a student at Dowling High School, NewsChannel 8 reported.

Chambers' lawsuit said he was sexually abused by Leonard Kenkel.

The Catholic Diocese said in a statement that Chambers' allegations have already been reviewed. The Allegation Review Committee interviewed both Chambers and Kenkel, NewsChannel 8 reported.

"After conducting its investigation, the Committeee found there was not sufficient evidence for finding of sexual abuse. The Allegation Review Committee did not recommend Father Kenkel be removed from ministry," according a statement from the Diocese.

The Diocese said in the statement that it recommended Kenkel remain as a priest, but suggested that he meet with a counselor to help him better understand appropriate boundaries for physical contact.

Posted by kshaw at April 28, 2005 05:08 AM