April 21, 2005

Federation of priests examines the life

Catholic Sentinel

04/21/2005 Ed Langlois and Jon Reddy

Meeting in Portland last week, an alliance of more than 200 U.S. Catholic priest leaders eyed the future in the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal and the election of a new pope.

One of the nation’s top religion journalists urged members of theAbuse Tracker Federation of Priests Councils not to “retreat into a defensive crouch” as a result of controversy.

If priests close down emotionally, many non-Catholics who yearn for the faith may not be able to make contact with it, said David Gibson, whose new book is The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful Are Shaping a New American Catholicism.

“It is vital that you remain open and human and vulnerable, true Christs to us all,” Gibson said, thanking priests for their service to the church.

Posted by kshaw at April 21, 2005 08:55 PM