April 12, 2005

Priest charged with downloading child porn still living in Rochester area


The priest accused of downloading child pornography on his church computer has actually been living here in Rochester and not at a monastery in Elmira. He was originally directed to stay at the monastery as a part of his bail.

Father Michael volino was back in federal court in Rochester Tuesday. In court, Volino's lawyer, John Parrinello said the monastery did not have the technology to operate Volino's electronic monitoring system. Volino is staying with the local family he was first released to.

Parrinello says he is reviewing a plea deal from the U.S Attorney's office and he has hired an expert on the Catholic Church's Canon Law, in case Volino takes the plea. “Father Volino has tremendous support verbally and in writing that he continue in his ministry 35 but of course that is up to Rome.”

Posted by kshaw at April 12, 2005 05:36 PM