April 12, 2005

Raising voices in Rome

Boston Herald

By Boston Herald editorial staff
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In the end, the protest in St. Peter's Square by those who objected to Cardinal Bernard Law's special role during these days of mourning for Pope John Paul II was quickly and peacefully ended.

But for the faithful to have done nothing, to have said nothing might have been interpreted as a kind of acceptance of the role Law played in covering up the sexual abuse scandal in the church for so many years. And so those who made their way to Rome even at the last minute to make their feelings known and their voices heard spoke for many more who were offended at the prominent role given Law by Vatican officials.

Law celebrated a special Mass of mourning yesterday at St. Peter's Basilica and delivered a homily. He was one of nine prelates selected for such an honor - an honor that did not sit well with many here.

Posted by kshaw at April 12, 2005 08:04 AM