March 29, 2005

Actual letter (s) in Rev Thomas Teczar transfer are now posted.

Worcester Voice

In view of the recent attempt of Worcester Bishop Robert McManus to convince the public that the Diocese of Worcester has no responsibility associated with Father Thomas Teczar, the actual letter (s) transferring him from state to state are now posted.

These letters tell clearly that the Worcester Diocese and Attorney James Reardon were made fully aware of the implications associated with allowing Father Teczar to transfer to another state and serve as an active priest.

Mr. Reardon, the diocesan lawyer who wrote one of the letters, was associated with the Reardon and Reardon law firm. His son, Gavin Reardon, currently is the diocesan lawyer and would have been aware of the letter. This letter is labeled Hand delivered which is underlined. Obviously Bishop Timothy Harrington and the now deceased James Reardon has a conversation.

Auxiliary Bishop George Rueger, in writing to Bishop Delaney of the Diocese of Forth Worth, Texas, begins his letter with pleasantries associated with a trip to Rome for both himself and Bishop Harrington. With such casual discourse does Auxiliary Bishop Rueger send this "dangerous" priest to Texas. Auxiliary Bishop Rueger writes the Bishop (Harrington) would be anxious for us to undertake this process. No concern was shown for the innocent children, but concern to release the potential for liability of the Worcester Diocese and Bishop Harrington.

Posted by kshaw at March 29, 2005 07:29 AM