March 19, 2005

Lapses cited in priest porn case

Democrat & Chronicle

Gary Craig
Staf writer

(March 19, 2005) — The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester suffered lapses in its oversight of priests when it allowed the Rev. Michael Volino to work in the school at St. John the Evangelist Church in Greece, despite concerns about Volino's contact with children, Bishop Matthew Clark said Friday.

The bishop, who granted a series of media interviews throughout the day, said the diocese wants to find out where the lapses occurred, and how to ensure they don't happen again.

"We have to figure out how that happened and why," Clark said.

The diocese has come under criticism since Volino's arrest earlier this month on federal charges of receiving and possessing child pornography.

Clark stressed there have been no allegations that Volino abused anyone. The diocese did not ask the priest to go to a Maryland psychiatric center out of fear that he could be a predator, Clark said.

Posted by kshaw at March 19, 2005 07:03 AM