March 18, 2005

Accuser against former Mystic priest says abuse occurred while he was

Daily Iowegian

March 18, 2005

A former Mystic resident who settled a law suit against the Catholic Diocese of Davenport said despite what the court papers filed by his attorneys said, he was never a member of the Catholic Church.

Richard Clark of Winterset had filed 10 counts against the Diocese of Davenport in regard to incidents he charged occurred between 1957 and 1959 in the former Mystic church. The church was dissolved in 1999. He accused the late Father Louis Telegdy of sexual abuse.

Clark said the accusations occurred while he was in the Boy Scouts. He said he wanted to set the record straight so friends still in the area did not think he was fabricating the charges.

Posted by kshaw at March 18, 2005 05:40 PM