February 28, 2005

Legislator Proposes New Law to Curb Sex Abuse


TOLEDO -- A northwest Ohio legislator is doing what she can to help victims of sexual abuse and a national victim's rights group is cheering her on. Claudia Vercelotti from Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests wants see a change in Ohio law when it comes to child sexual abuse victims.

"Ohio civil law right now, unfortunately, favors child molesters," said Vercellotti. Her champion is Senator Teresa Fedor. "I believe this is even more important issue than the child labor laws that we addressed 100 years ago," said Fedor.

In 1999 the criminal law was strengthened, so anyone who was 18 years old had 20 years to report sexual abuse. Currently, the civil law only allows two years past age 18.

Here's what Fedor wants to propose: "We want to mirror the criminal law with the statute of limitations for civil law," said Fedor. She says extending it back 20 years would be a benefit because, "It would be justice for the victims and unearth some of these child predators."

Posted by kshaw at February 28, 2005 04:59 PM