February 21, 2005

Church, channels decry 'Sins':

New Kerala

[Cinema India, Bollywood]: Mumbai, Feb 21 : Producer-director Vinod Pande has decided to go ahead with the release of his controversial film "Sins" Friday, despite a ban called by Catholic groups and a refusal by satellite channels to screen promos.

"Sins", according to Pande, tells the story of a Catholic priest who slips and commits a crime of passion with a young girl.

While Catholic organisations have raised strong protests, questioning the film's portrayal of the priest, satellite channels have refused to show the "sexually explicit" promos of the film branding them fit for adult viewing, reports Bollywood Trade.

Pande, however, is neither perturbed by the ballyhoo nor is he considering meeting any of the Catholic heads.

Posted by kshaw at February 21, 2005 06:39 AM