February 19, 2005

Diocese lists 10 abuse cases

Buffalo News

News Staff Reporter

Ten complaints of sexual abuse against seven priests were lodged with the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo in 2004. All of the accusations involved alleged incidents more than two decades old.

The seven priests are either deceased or no longer in ministry, said diocesan spokesman Kevin A. Keenan, responding to a new national report on clergy sexual abuse.

Accusers in all of the newly reported cases complained of abuse prior to 1977, Keenan said.

Also, one priest charged with possessing child pornography in 2004 was removed from ministry.

The latest accusations are in addition to 93 complaints received between 1950 and 2002 in the diocese. Those complaints, involving 53 clerics, were revealed last February, along with the release of a study by John Jay College of Criminal Justice on the extent of clergy abuse across the country.

Posted by kshaw at February 19, 2005 09:31 AM