The Day
Day Staff Columnist, Enterprise Reporter/Columnist
Published on 2/19/2005
Norwich — In the wake of the recent expulsion of a priest, the Norwich Diocese Friday announced it had received a clean bill of health for its efforts to keep children safe from sexual abuse.
The Office of Child and Youth Protection of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops said an audit of the diocese showed it to be in full compliance with the bishops' “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” adopted in 2002.
The Gavin Group Inc., an independent investigative firm based in Boston that audited the diocese in October, found the diocese responds swiftly to allegations of sexual abuse and reaches out to victims, said the Rev. Ted F. Tumicki, the bishop's delegate for safe environments.
This was the second year since the audits began, and the second year the diocese received a positive review.
“I am very grateful to the members of our diocesan family for their cooperation in implementing our educational opportunities, pastoral code of conduct, comprehensive screening measures, and sexual misconduct policy,” said Norwich Bishop Michael R. Cote. “We are committed to providing a safe environment within our parishes, schools and institutions.”
Posted by kshaw at February 19, 2005 06:03 AM