For several minutes they wandered about the empty corridors of the diocese headquarters, looking for Bishop Carlos Sevilla's office.
Armed with the latest lawsuit against the Catholic Diocese of Yakima and trailed by reporters, the group was there to serve Sevilla a copy of the suit in person and to demand a new accounting of priests "known or suspected" of sexually abusing children.
Trouble was, nobody was there. The lights were on, doors were open — but nobody was there.
It was, they said, a symbolic moment. The diocese, they said, has never really been there for parishioners who were molested by its clerics.
"I'm not surprised," said a glum Rose Yates Lamey, 53, who is suing the diocese for abuse she says she suffered at the hands of a priest at St. Aloysius Church in Toppenish more than 40 years ago.
Posted by kshaw at February 17, 2005 06:28 AM