Radio Iowa
by Darwin Danielson/Stella Shaffer
Organizers of a northeast Iowa group created to support victims of clergy abuse says the Dubuque Catholic Diocese is still too slow to release information on accusations against priests. A spokeswoman for the diocese says however they're doing what they can to legally release information. Steve Theisen, of Hudson, is the co-organizer of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests or SNAP. He says, "Archibishop Hanus of Dubuque has said he'd have an open dialogue, open disuccsion. And in their policy for the protection of children, it says they'll also inform the faith communities of any alleged abuses. And so far, we haven't seen any of that happen." Theisen says the Dubuque Archdiocese did recently release information on one priest -- but that he says that was one week after SNAP handed out leaflets to parishioners about the accused molester. He says, "It's like they have to be forced to release this information."
Posted by kshaw at February 16, 2005 09:10 AM