February 16, 2005

System sought to track issues

Bradenton Herald

Herald Staff Writer

MANATEE - In the wake of Haile Middle assistant principal Joseph Gilpin's resignation, Superintendent Roger Dearing has asked top school officials to come up with better ways to track investigations of complaints against employees.

"What I want to do is to outline procedures for administrators to follow so we have a trail of complaints against an employee," Dearing said. "That way we'll know how the investigation was initiated, how it was handled and what happened."

Gilpin, 60, resigned Jan. 28 after allegations surfaced that he molested at least two young boys while he was a Catholic seminarian during the 1960s. The resignation ended Gilpin's 34-year career as a teacher and administrator in Manatee County schools.

Gilpin declined comment Tuesday afternoon. He has declined comment since the allegations surfaced.

Posted by kshaw at February 16, 2005 04:18 AM