February 11, 2005

Worcester diocese passes audit amid clergy sex abuse scandal

Dateline Alabama

The Associated Press

February 11, 2005

An outside audit found the Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester is in compliance with standards to ensure the protection of children in the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal.

The Gavin Group of Boston, which has audited every U.S. diocese for the past two years, offered no recommendations for improvement after finding the Worcester diocese in full compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

The Worcester audit, conducted Dec. 6-10, was completed along with the other reviews nationwide at the behest of a board of the a national Catholic Bishops' organization.

Worcester Bishop Robert J. McManus released the findings Thursday while also acknowledging that a "great injustice" was done to victims of clergy sexual abuse in his diocese. McManus also pledged to continue working for healing and restoration of trust.

Posted by kshaw at February 11, 2005 07:56 AM