February 10, 2005

Priest Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Child Porn Possession


POSTED: 4:58 pm PST February 10, 2005

SAN DIEGO -- A Roman Catholic priest whose Point Loma office contained child erotica and gay porn videos when agents searched it last year pleaded guilty Thursday to 10 misdemeanor counts of possession of child pornography.

The Rev. Gary Michael Holtey, 59, is scheduled to be sentenced March 10 by Superior Court Commissioner Sandra L. Berry.

Ten additional counts of possession of child porn were dismissed.

Each count carries a penalty of a year in jail, but prosecutors won't ask for any more custody, said Head Deputy City Attorney Timothy E. Campen.

"We're not asking him to go to jail now," Campen said outside court.

If Holtey reoffends with similar crimes, custody would be appropriate, Campen said.

A condition of probation would be that Holtey continue counseling, which he is currently receiving at a Maryland rehabilitation center, the prosecutor said.

Posted by kshaw at February 10, 2005 07:25 PM