February 10, 2005

Ex-youth pastor recommended for no parole until year 2012

Jackson Sun

Feb 10 2005

A hearing officer Wednesday recommended that a former Jackson youth pastor be declined for parole for the remaining eight years of his sentence on an attempted rape and sexual battery conviction. The end decision goes to the parole board.

Curtis Hudson, a former youth pastor of First United Methodist Church in Jackson, is serving time in Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros for attempted rape of a child and sexual battery by an authority figure. He pleaded guilty to the charges in December 2002.

It could be up to 30 days before a final decision is made by the Tennessee State Board of Probation and Parole whether to go with the recommendation of the hearing officer, said Jack Elder, spokesman for the state board. It would require at least three concurring votes from the seven-member parole board to approve the recommendation.

Posted by kshaw at February 10, 2005 04:36 AM