One in Four
Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent - Irish Times
Dealing discreetly with allegations of child sex abuse "can lead to failure to take the necessary steps", Bishop Donal Murray has said.
This was one of the painful lessons learned in 10 years' experience of the issue. Another was the pain of overcoming disbelief when somebody one knew, even loved, abused a child: "You have to experience that to know it."
Dr Murray, Bishop of Limerick, was speaking in Maynooth yesterday at the publication of Towards Healing, a pastoral reflection for Lent issued by the Irish Catholic bishops.
Introducing the document, Archbishop Seán Brady said it was intended to complement the new national guidelines on child protection for the church, agreed last week. It would do so by "emphasising the commitment of the church to bring about healing and restoration" to those who had been abused, Dr Brady said.
Posted by kshaw at February 9, 2005 08:21 AM