February 08, 2005

Archdiocese May Have Known About Priest's Past


Feb 8, 2005 6:42 am US/Central
CHICAGO (CBS 2) A young man who charges he was sexually exploited by a priest is now shocked to find out that the man he accused of abuse is working on a local college campus.

On Monday night, CBS 2 News found the priest conducting a service on the University of Chicago campus.

And CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine has exclusive information that the archdiocese may have known about his past.

The traditional burning of palm leaves outside Calvert House in Hyde Park was presided over by the Rev. Michael Vakaitis, now chaplain and director of the campus Catholic ministry.

It is not his first campus post. In the early 1990s, he was dean of students at Niles College, a spiritual director for an aspiring seminarian.

Posted by kshaw at February 8, 2005 07:21 AM