PR Leap
The Catholic church’s sex abuse scandal takes center stage Wednesday, February 16th at
10:30 before the Chicago federal courtroom of 7th Circuit District Court Senior Judge George
Marovich, when Illinois psychologist Dr. Theophilus Green takes on Chicago’s Cardinal Joseph
Cardinal George and asks the court to remove state and federal statute of limitations on child
sexual abuse. At this hearing, both are expected to be present.
Dr. Green sued Cardinal George and the Washington-based United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops on behalf on his clients, using a rarely used and little understood legal strategy
called jus terii. Simply put, it allows a third party stakeholder to sue on behalf of another, for
himself and the second party, when both are damaged and the latter is unable to sue the first.
As a psychologist, Dr. Green sued Cardinal George, a vice president of USCCB, Vatican
City’s legal representative in America, for not complying with child protection laws that could
have protected his clients from abusers church Mandated Reporters knowingly failed to report.
Dr. Green complains that when Illinois unlawfully placed sanctions on his license, following
compliance with child protection laws, and enforced them with other states, they interfered with
his ability to protect his clients locally and nationally.