January 05, 2005

Bishop’s refusal to release names of abusers is selfish

Columbia Daily Tribune

Published Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Editor, the Tribune: It’s offensive when someone does something selfish but pretends his motives are, in fact, selfless. It’s even more offensive when that person is a spiritual leader. That’s exactly what is happening with Jefferson City Bishop John Gaydos. He recently wrote in the Tribune "a public accounting of" sexual abuse "allegations could not be done without violating the confidentiality of victims" - "Diocese asks forgiveness," Jan. 2.

Try telling that to the two prominent Catholic cardinals - Los Angeles and Baltimore - who put the names of literally hundreds of abusive priests on their Web sites. Try telling that to the new president of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference, William Skystad of Spokane, Wash., who also has done so. Try telling that to the bishops of other dioceses who have done the same.

The least Gaydos can do is make public the names of the 27 Jefferson City-area priests removed because of credible allegations of sexually assaulting kids. To keep these names secret means deliberately putting more unsuspecting children at risk, as these molesters quietly begin new lives in new communities, baby-sitting kids, volunteering at the YMCA, tutoring at schools and devastating more lives.

Posted by kshaw at January 5, 2005 05:50 PM