December 17, 2004

Kerry priest defrocked by Pope over alleged sex assault

Ireland Online

17/12/2004 - 11:17:58

The diocese of Kerry has confirmed that one of its priests has been defrocked by Pope John Paul II.

The diocese refused to provide any further details, but the Vatican is believed to have taken the decision in August.

The priest in question hasn't been in active ministry for 10 years, but he worked in several parishes in Kerry during the 1980s.

At one time, he was the subject of a garda investigation into an alleged sexual assault, but the DPP decided not to prosecute.

Yesterday, the diocese of Ferns also confirmed that two if its priests - believed to be James Doyle and Donal Collins - had been removed from the priesthood by the Pope in light of their convictions for child sex abuse.

Posted by kshaw at December 17, 2004 05:42 AM