December 12, 2004

Mahony would do well to mimic Brown

Pasadena Star-News

THE Orange County Roman Catholic Diocese, under the direction of Bishop Tod D. Brown, has agreed to pay $100 million to settle 87 outstanding priest abuse cases. Brown said the diocese wants to move forward. He has cooperated fully with authorities as well, handing them internal church documents as requested. He is to be commended, and by all accounts, has earned accolades from grateful victims, relieved of sometimes lifelong burdens.

The decision and his actions stand in stark contrast to Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of the Los Angeles Diocese. Mahony has been secretive and reluctant to turn over any records that would indicate the church's handling of accusations against priests. Some 544 cases of alleged sexual-abuse cases have been brought against the diocese.

At best a misguided, and we believe damaging, miscalculation on the part of easily the most influential American Catholic leader.

While it is natural for Mahony to protect those in positions of authority, he should err on the side of the alleged victims and allow the justice system to work. There's little doubt the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office will leave no evidentiary rock unturned to exonerate those falsely accused.

Posted by kshaw at December 12, 2004 08:16 AM