Dismissal Granted in Case of Priest Accused of Corrupting Minors
La Capital
December 13, 2004
[Translated into English by BishopAccountability.org. Click below to see original article in Spanish.]
Buenos Aires -- The Justice Court dismissed the case of Father Luis Anguita, who worked at Tierra Santa Franciscan School in Buenos Aires, and was accused of “corruption of minors” by one of his female students.
The judge presiding over the case granted dismissal in favor of Anguita, declaring that the investigation wouldn’t affect his “good name or reputation.”
Moreover, the judge decided to send case testimonies to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation to investigate whether the young claimant was guilty of “false accusation.”
The case was opened in September of this year, when the female student, now an adult, said she met Father Anguita when he served as Prefect of Discipline at the religious school, and that she was 13 years old when he allegedly had sexual relations with her.
According to judicial sources, “nothing about the accusation could be proved,” and so “dismissal was granted and case testimonies are being investigated to determine whether there was willful misconduct on the part of the complainant.”
Former federal judge Daniel Llermanos originally provided pro bono legal advice to the young complainant, but about a month ago relinquished his involvement citing “personal reasons.” [Source: Agencia Diarios y Noticias (DyN)]