The independent sexual abuse reporting service of the diocese of Basel has received 141 reports since the publication of a sweeping study on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church by the University of Zurich in 2023. The diocese has filed five criminal complaints.
Between September 2023, when the University of Zurich published its study, and January 20, 2024, the diocese of Basel received 141 reports of sexual abuse, the diocese said on Tuesday. Of these, 96% were claims made against persons who are now dead, cases of sexual abuse for which the statute of limitations had expired, and reports where the accused and the presumed victims could not be identified.
Of the 141 reports, the law firm Hess, which acts as the independent reporting service, examined 126 files and in 93 cases issued detailed recommendations to Bishop Felix Gmür. Sixty cases are still being processed and 80 have been closed.
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