The Year in Review
Events of 2007
This page summarizes 19 important stories of 2007 with links to investigative
reporting, documents, and streaming video. What lessons do you see, and
what omens for the new year? Roll your mouse over the photos to view captions.
us with comments, stories we should have included, and commentaries that
moved and informed you in 2007. We'll post your favorites next week.
| Hand of God |
Gumbleton Resigns | Cleveland
Financials | Teczar Convicted |
CNN's Tom Roberts | Maiello
Verdict | Spokane Bankruptcy Ends
| Few Portland Documents | Delaware
Child Victims Act | Los Angeles
Settles | San Diego Settles |
Aguilar Documents | Giuliani
and Placa | Jesuit McGuire Indicted
| USCCB Elects George | Jesuits
Settle Alaska Claims | Davenport
Settles | Providence Files
| Franciscan Newman Indicted |
of God Shows Worldwide on NPR's Frontline
January 16, 2007
The story of survivor Paul Cultrera and his family's search for
the truth about Rev. Joseph E. Birmingham. This award-winning film
by Cultrera's brother Joe shows how Birmingham abused boys in a
tight-knit Italian community north of Boston, how Paul confronted
Bishop John B. McCormack, and how Joe confronted Bishop Richard
G. Lennon during the filming. View the video.
See also our collection of documents
and background for the movie, including statements by Paul Cultrera
and archdiocesan documents. |
Thomas J. Gumbleton Is Removed from His Parish
January 21, 2007
Gumbleton testified on 1/11/06 in favor of statute of limitations
reform in Ohio, describing his own abuse by a priest when Gumbleton
was a teenage seminarian. His resignation as auxiliary bishop of
Detroit, tendered at age 75, was forthwith accepted, and on 1/21/07,
Gumbleton was removed from St. Leo's parish, where he was pastor.
See a report
with video of Gumbleton's sermon on that day, and Cardinal
Maida's letter removing Gumbleton. See also Gumbleton's
2006 testimony and an article
about it. |
Documents Begin to Emerge in the Cleveland Diocese
February 16, 2007
On 2/16/07, Joseph H. Smith, the former chief financial officer
of the Cleveland diocese, claimed in a court filing that former
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla wrote checks and bought furniture from off-the-books
church accounts. Filings on 3/15/07 accused Rev. John J. Wright,
chief accountant of the diocese and Smith's boss, of participating
in the scheme to enrich himself and his girlfriend. See filings
by Smith
and Anton
Zgoznik, and our collection of documents
and articles. |
of the Father Shown on CNN's Anderson
Cooper 360
March 19, 2007
Documentary about Michael Goles and Thomas Roberts, survivors of
abuse by Rev. Jerome F. (Jeff) Toohey, Jr. See video 1
6 [total
47:24] with transcript
and follow-up interview with Roberts on 3/20/07 1
[total 10:27]. See also Supporters
Pray for Accused Priest, which is discussed in segment 4. |
Awards Two Maiello Survivors $11.45M
May 18, 2007
A Long Island jury awarded $11.45 million in damages to a young
man and woman who were repeatedly raped by a youth minister as teenagers
starting in the late 1990s. The jury found that the diocese of Rockville
Centre, St. Raphael's church in East Meadow, and its pastor were
negligent in hiring and retaining Matthew Maiello. Hear a statement
by one of the survivors with other links and read about the
role of Maiello's
pastor Rev. Thomas Heggarty. See also articles 1
3. |
Emerges from Bankruptcy Protection
May 31, 2007
The Spokane diocese emerged from bankruptcy protection 30 months
after filing on 12/6/04. In the reorganization plan, $48M was distributed
by mediation among 140 claimants. The settlement kept payouts, priests'
names, and diocesan documents confidential. During the bankruptcy,
Bishop William S. Skylstad also served as president of the USCCB
and was himself accused of sexual abuse. See articles on the end
of bankruptcy, the filing,
the settlement
and payout
plan, the secrecy,
Skylstad's USCCB
post and allegation,
and fundraising
for the settlement.
Documents Released in Portland Bankruptcy Settlement
June 6, 2007
As part of his successful bankruptcy strategy, Archbishop John G.
Vlazny settled on 4/13/07 with 150 victims of sexual abuse for $75M.
The highly touted release of documents stipulated by the settlement
came to nearly nought on 6/6/07 when the archdiocese released a
few hundred pages from its voluminous files, including only 32 pages
from the huge personnel file of Rev. Maurice R. Grammond, accused
of molesting at least 59. See the documents
with links to articles. See also articles on the 7/6/04 bankruptcy
filing, Grammond,
and the settlement,
and comments by Marci
Hamilton and Mark
Chopko. See in particular a very useful study
of Portland abuse cases based on bankruptcy documents and a
and photo
album of some participants. |
Child Victims Act Becomes Law
July 10, 2007
The act establishes a two-year moratorium on the statute of limitations
in lawsuits for sex abuse. The law, whose chief sponsor was Senator
Karen E. Peterson, passed unanimously in both houses of the General
Assembly. It gives abuse victims until 7/10/2009 to seek damages,
regardless of when the assaults occurred. This is the second such
window in the nation – a one-year window took effect in California
on 1/1/03, resulting in hundreds of survivors' coming forward. See
articles on the Delaware
hearings, the bill's passage
and signing,
and the first
suit to be filed in the window. See also an article about the
of the legislation in California, and articles below about the
settlements there. |
Angeles Archdiocese Settles with 508 Survivors for $660M
July 14, 2007
On the day that the first trial was to begin, Cardinal Mahony settled
with 508 survivors, the last of about 570 total claims against 221
priests, brothers, lay teachers and other church employees, many
of them made possible by the 2003 SOL window. The archdiocese had
previously made settlements totaling $114M. The settlement promised
the release of archdiocesan abuse files, but none were released
in 2007. See articles on the settlement 1
survivors' assessments 1
the commitment
to release the documents, a photo
album, an editorial
in Commonweal, and Thomas
Doyle's response. See also earlier articles by Timothy
Lytton and Mark
Sargent on litigation and the crisis. |
Diego Settlement Effectively Ends Bankruptcy Case
September 7, 2007
Judge Peter Lichtman apportioned $198.1M among 144 sexual-abuse
plaintiffs, placing the specific amounts under seal. The awards
effectively ended a troubled bankruptcy case that Bishop Robert
H. Brom had filed on 2/27/07, as trials were set to begin. In closing
the case on 11/1/07, bankruptcy judge Louise DeCarl Adler declared,
“Chapter 11 is not supposed to be a vehicle, a method, to
hammer down the claims of those abused.” See articles about
the filing,
the settlement,
the awards,
and the end
of the bankruptcy. See also the filing
itself, a list
of diocesan properties, a two-part list
of accused priests, a critique
of the list, and a collection
of bankruptcy documents.
Mexican and
Los Angeles Documents in Aguilar Case Are Released
September 11, 2007
SNAP released documents from Joaquín Aguilar Méndez'
suit against Rev. Nicolás Aguilar Rivera, who had been charged
in 1988 of abusing 10 boys in Los Angeles. He allegedly raped the
12-year-old Aguilar Méndez in 1994, after he fled U.S. authorities
and after Mexican bishops and civil authorities knew of the LA accusations.
This suit alleges that Cardinal Mahony and Cardinal Rivera conspired
to protect the priest. See the documents
with other links, the lawsuit,
and an article on the significance
of the case in Mexico. |
Rudy Giuliani's Shielding of Accused
Priest Becomes Campaign Issue
October 23, 2007
Msgr. Alan Placa's role in the Rockville Centre diocese's abuse
bureaucracy and the abuse allegations against him emerged in 2002
Newsday reporting and later in the 2/10/03 Suffolk
County Grand Jury Report. Yet when Placa was suspended by
Bishop Murphy on 6/13/02 after Richard Tollner's allegation, Placa
went to work for Giuliani Partners, and when Giuliani entered
the presidential race, his protection of Placa became an issue.
See Newsday 1
the Grand Jury report 6
(esp. p. 120), the NY Times 8,
Newsday 9,
Salon 10,
Worcester Telegram & Gazette 11,
and ABC 12.
Prominent Jesuit
Criminally Charged with Abusing Boy Abroad
November 1, 2007
Rev. Donald J. McGuire, S.J. was charged in federal court with the
crime of transporting a male minor to Switzerland and Austria and
sexually abusing the boy. Since the 1980s, McGuire was the spiritual
director for Mother Teresa, her Missionaries of Charity, and many
other groups. He would routinely abuse the boys who served without
pay as his assistants. The Jesuits were told about McGuire's abuse
of boys on 11/28/69 and often thereafter but were unresponsive. See
the criminal
complaint in the federal case and an article
about those charges. See also the earliest
known complaint, a more
recent one, and an NPR
report on McGuire. |
George Enables Abuse but Is Named USCCB President
November 13, 2007
Cardinal Francis E. George OMI, archbishop of Chicago, was elected
president of the USCCB by the bishops, although four boys say they
were sexually abused by Rev. Daniel McCormack after George learned
of abuse allegations in early 9/05, and after the cardinal's own
review board had told him on 10/15/05 to remove McCormack. The priest
was arrested on 1/20/06; he pled guilty without apology on 7/2/07
to abusing five boys and was sentenced to five years in prison.
The archdiocese faced no sanctions, though it had violated the Abused
and Neglected Child Reporting Act. See NPR's
report with links to archdiocesan investigations, Cardinal
George's letter, and articles on the 2005
allegation, McCormack's past
and sentencing,
and George's
election. |
Jesuits Settle
Claims by 110 Alaska Natives for $50M
November 16, 2007
This settlement resolved complaints against 12 priests, 2 deacons,
and a brother, who sexually abused children in the remote native communities
of northwestern Alaska. The victims alleged that their communities
were used as dumping grounds, that Jesuit attitudes about native populations
figured in the abuse, and that the Jesuits placed managerial conversations
under the seal of the confessional to conceal their prior knowledge
of the abuse. See articles about the communities
and the Lundowski survivors with map and photos, Jesuit attitudes
and the Poole survivors, Jesuit vs. native culture,
the secrecy
issue, the genesis
and history of these cases, and the settlement
with background
and comments
by survivors with photos. |
Settlement with 156 Clears Davenport to Emerge from Bankruptcy
November 29, 2007
Davenport filed for bankruptcy on 10/10/06 – after a jury
awarded Michl Uhde $1.5M for sexual abuse by Msgr. Thomas J. Feeney,
once vicar general of the diocese, and just before Gould v. Bishop
Lawrence D. Soens was scheduled to go to trial. A few days after
he filed for bankruptcy, Bishop William E. Franklin's resignation
was accepted by the Vatican. Settlement monies will be apportioned
in mediation, nonmonetary commitments have been made by Bishop Martin
J. Amos, and a reorganization plan must be filed by 1/31/07. See
articles and resources on the Uhde
case and verdict,
a statement
of disputed facts in the lawsuit against Soens with affidavits,
the Soens abuse cases 1
the bankruptcy
filing with documents, the reaction of survivors 1
the settlement,
and its financial
implications. |
Abuse Files
of Providence Diocese Are Scrutinized
December 2, 2007
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin began the year by claiming that it would be
unduly burdensome to comply with a discovery request in a sexual abuse
case. As many as 125 Providence priests had been accused of sexual
misconduct, he said, and the files on these priests were perhaps 130,000
pages long. On 10/20/07, the Boston Globe showed that Tobin's petition
doubled the diocese's previous count of accused priests in the John
Jay report. Why the discrepancy? On 12/2/07, the Providence Journal
used documents already public to demonstrate what waits in the still-secret
Providence files. See Tobin's
petition, the Globe
story with John
Jay report, and the analysis
in the Providence Journal. |
Accused of Abuse Is Indicted for Stealing $900K
December 20, 2007
A Philadelphia grand jury indicted Rev. Charles Newman OFM on theft
and forgery charges. Newman had been fired on 11/20/03 for "financial
improprieties" as president of the largest archdiocesan high
school in Philadelphia. On 6/16/04 Arthur Basilice III filed suit,
accusing Newman of sexually abusing him and getting him hooked on
drugs. Newman's superior was accused of pressing the victim to take
hush money. Basilice died on 11/30/06. See the indictment.
See also articles on Newman's resignation,
the suit 1
with the archdiocese's statement,
and the indictment 1
See also a tribute
to Arthur Baselice III. |